vrijdag 1 november 2013

Uitslag stemming rule 8.2

Enige tijd geleden heeft het bestuur van DACA alle leden gevraagd om vóór 1 november  een email terug te sturen met hun stem: 

  • vóór betekent regel 8.2 te schrappen uit het reglement
  • tegen betekent de regel onveranderd te laten

Nederland kent inmiddels 32 betalende leden, waarvan er 26 leden hun stem hebben uitgebracht (81%)

6 leden hebben niet gestemd

6 leden stemden voor

20 leden stemmen tegen

Deze uitslag betekent, dat de leden van DACA geen wijzigingen van de regel 8.2 ondersteunen. Dit signaal van DACA-leden gaat vervolgens bij  IACA het volgende traject door, zoals beschreven in een brief van Andrew Landenberger:

"Any changes to the class rules or Championship rules can only be achieved by
strictly following the class constitution. This means that any proposal for
a change to the class rules must be submitted in writing to IACA at least 3
months prior to the World General Meeting with the support of at least three
nations. At that point the submission is added to the Agenda for discussion
and eventual voting by the class presidents. This vote is weighted for each
country with 1 vote for every 10 paid up members. In order for this vote to
pass there must be a majority of 2/3 in favour. If the submission is for a
change in the Championship rules, it can be decided at the World General

If the submission is for a change to the class rules, it must first
pass in favour at the World General Meeting with a 2/3 majority, and then it
must go to ballot across all class members world wide where it again needs a
2/3 majority in favour to pass. This is the only way class rules can be

I point this out because some members are under the belief they are
currently voting for changes to the class rules. At this stage the only
thing members of individual national associations have been voting for is if
their country would or would not support different submissions."

Afhankelijk van the World General Meeting worden de DACA-leden mogelijk dus nogmaals gevraagd hun stem uit te brengen.



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