World Sailing/ Rudder Hanging Clarification
A rudder hanging clarification was posted on the IACA website 27/1/16 to clarify our interpretation of rudder hangings and since that time the issue has been raised by a number of individuals and measurers as to how this interpretation can be ruled on and how a sailor is to know if he is class legal or not. As stated in my advise of 27/1/16 the original interpretationwas put in place to restrict the use of extended rudder gantries etc. and until recently appeared to adequately cover this. Rapid change has taken place over the past year with the advent of foiling and rudder design and rudder attachment and position have reached levels that our interpretation does not really cover.
The present interpretation (No.7) basically states the rudder hangings can be no larger and no further aft than required to support the rudder and no further aft than required to provide steerage or extend the overall length of the rudder assembly. Without actual measurementsthis is a judgment call only and impossible to rule on.