vrijdag 27 februari 2015

Regeltjes voor de A-Cat!

Dear Measurers, The purpose of this email is to try and bring everyone up to date on any measurement issues and to make sure we all adopt a common approach to undertaking boat measurement on new equipment and equipment inspection at championships. Our rules have taken a bit of battering of late, however they are what we have and what we must abide by. Hopefully you will all be aware of our Measurers’ Guidelines that are published on the IACA website: http://www.a-cat.org/?q=node/9 , these guidelines really do cover the way we look at things and should cover most issues. The Technical Committee is also available for any concerns not covered. Recently a boat builder took some of our interpretations to ISAF for clarification. ISAF agreed with the Technical Committee’s findings and dismissed his request. This ISAF information is also available on the IACA website: http://www.a-cat.org/?q=node/483

donderdag 12 februari 2015

WK deelname

Reeds 15 Nederlandse deelnemers voor de WK. Geef je op bij Jan Groot!

1 Roeland Wentholt        NED 95
2 Jan Groot                    NED 117
3 Juppe Hebly                NED 911
4 Mischa Heemskerk NED 007
5 Rene Mulder                NED 80
6 Yvonne Nieboer           NED 101
7 Sjoerd Hoekstra          NED 3
8 Jaap Straakenbroek NED 108
9 Piet Saarberg             NED 1
10 Pieter Jan Dwarshuis NED 28
11 Rutger Krijger           NED 14
12 Caroline van Beelen NED 41
13 Erwin Kerstens          NED 4
14 Theo van Hilten         NED 80
15 Hans Klok                 NED 7

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